AWS Construction Services is a speciality construction contracting business in the areas of asbestos abtement, lead based paint removal, mold cleanup, and demolition since 1988.
Our commitment is to provide "turnkey solutions that deliver value to our clients". Through an experienced team, AWS develops site specific, full service, cost effective solutions for a wide range of projects.
We start by developing a thorough understanding of our client’s business and financial objectives along with hazardous materials abatement requirements. We skillfully manage each project so that work is completed on schedule and within budget. We perform our work with minimal client supervision and a safe jobsite.
AWS has extensive experience in asbestos abatement with projects… [read more]
AWS has extensive experience in lead containing materials removal with projects… [read more]
AWS has successfully performed mold cleanup projects… [read more]
AWS provides a wide variety of demolition services which include selective to complete building demolition… [read more]
AWS has completed many types of dismantling projects… [read more]
Other Hazardous Materials Services
AWS wide range of experience includes removal, cleanup, and disposal of Universal Waste, CFCs, PCBs, and other hazardous materials... read more]